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Platform updates

· 8 min read

The updates on this page apply to the Veracode Platform. Updates that apply to specific Veracode regions show a region icon.

June 20, 2024

Project scan IDs added to Reporting API

Added the following fields to the Findings report of the Reporting API for findings from agent-based scans that are linked to applications:

  • original_project_scan_id: The original project scan in which an SCA agent identified the application-linked finding.
  • latest_project_scan_id: The most recent project scan in which an SCA agent identified the application-linked finding.

Changes to dates for application-linked SCA agent findings in Analytics

Veracode Analytics and the Reporting API have updated how they determine the values for date fields of agent-based scan findings that are linked to applications. The following fields now retrieve data from the agent-based scanning history instead of the SCA upload scan history:

  • First Found Date
  • First Found in Application Date
  • Library First Found in Active Scans Date
  • Last Found Date
  • Reopened Date
  • Fixed Date

This update impacts the following fields because they derive data from the updated fields listed above:

  • Resolved Date
  • Grace Period Expiration Date
  • Flaw Age

May 6, 2024

New columns in SCA License Risk Data Export report

The SCA License Risk Data Export report now includes the following columns:

  • Business Unit for applications associated with SCA upload scans
  • Project Name for SCA agent-based scanning projects
  • Library Version for libraries found in SCA agent-based scans
  • Last Scanned Date and SPDX ID for libraries found in SCA agent-based scans or upload scans

April 28, 2024

Upgrade to Looker 24.0

Veracode has upgraded Analytics to use version 24.0 of the Looker platform. Key updates include:

  • AND/OR filtering
  • Performant field picker
  • Quick resize and tile repositioning

The complete list of changes is available in the Looker documentation.

April 10, 2024

Add a Git repository to application metadata

You can now add the URL of a Git repository to the application profile metadata using the Applications REST API and the Veracode Platform.

April 4, 2024

Veracode Analytics updates

The Veracode Analytics Findings explore includes the following improvements:

  • Updated the Policy Rule Passed (Yes / No) field to match the new policy logic changes to findings from a Software Compsition Analysis (SCA). If SCA findings violate policy, but are within the grace period, the Veracode Platform does not report them as not passing policy, or "No".
  • Added a new Findings Policy Status field that you can use to tag findings that violate policy and are within grace period as Conditional Pass.
  • The SCA Agent-Based Scan Issues page now provides data about the projects and workspaces that generated the issues.

April 3, 2024

The Veracode Documentation has the following improvements:

  • New Learning paths provide a sequence of videos and documentation that walk you through using Veracode products. For example, the steps show you how to prepare applications for scanning, run a Static Analysis or Dynamic Analysis in the Veracode Platform, and then review the results. By following these paths, new users can onboard and experienced users can gain a deeper understanding of Veracode products, features, and best practices.
  • New search experience that helps you more easily search across all documentation and filter the results.

March 26, 2024

Add Git repository to application metadata

You can now specify the URL of a Git repository in the application profile metadata using the Applications REST API and the Veracode Platform.

November 27, 2023

Free trial of DAST Essentials

Veracode now offers a free 14-day trial of DAST Essentials in the Veracode Platform. To sign up, on the Sign in page, select Sign Up to create your account. If you are a Veracode customer and want to try DAST Essentials, contact your sales associate.

November 27, 2023

Free trial of DAST Essentials

Veracode now offers a free 14-day trial of DAST Essentials in the Veracode Platform. To sign up, on the Sign in page, select Sign Up to create your account. If you are a Veracode customer and want to try DAST Essentials, contact your sales associate.

October 17, 2023

New Veracode Analytics fields available

The new Second Party Component and Fixable (Yes / No) fields in the Veracode Analytics Findings explore are now available.

October 16, 2023

New Veracode Analytics fields available in European Region

The new Second Party Component and Fixable (Yes / No) fields in the Veracode Analytics Findings explore are now available in the European Region.

September 29, 2022

New Application Security Platform features available in European Region

The following features are now available in the European Region.

July 19, 2023

Upgrade to Looker 22.20

Veracode has upgraded Analytics to use version 22.20 of the Looker platform. All existing dashboards now reflect the new Looker experience.

This upgrade introduces a known issue that prevents you from scrolling in the Timeline visualization. Additionally, you may experience an issue that automatically enables the Row Totals column in some pivot tables, which can cause rows to be double counted in stacked visualizations. To fix this issue, edit the dashboard and visualization, clear the Row Totals option, and save your changes.

Updated Security Program Overview Dashboard

The default number of applications displayed in the What is my policy compliance over time? section of the Security Program Overview dashboard in Veracode Analytics has decreased from 100 to 25.

To view additional applications, customize the visualization and adjust the Application Rank by Published Date Descending filter.

July 15, 2022

CWE Top 25 Now Reflects 2022 Version

The Auto-Update CWE Top 25 security standard that you use in Veracode policies now reflects the 2022 CWE Top 25 list.

June 28, 2022

Updated Single Sign-On and Just-In-Time Provisioning

New single sign-on (SSO) and Just-In-Time (JIT) provisioning capabilities in the Veracode Platform improve reliability and supportability and extend the roles that JIT provisioning supports. Before using this feature, you must update your SSO settings in your identity provider.

To begin the process of enabling these capabilities, contact Veracode Support.

May 19, 2022

The Issues Vulnerability Count Measure Changed

Issues Vulnerability Count now includes only issues where the Issue Type is a Vulnerability Issue. In the past, this measure included the count of Vulnerability, License, and Library issues. The calculation of Issues Vulnerability Count is still based on the filters you select.

  • Issues Issue Count: count of issues, regardless of type
  • Issues Vulnerability Count: count of vulnerability issues
  • Issues Libraries with Issues: total number of unique libraries with at least one issue

May 10, 2022

Sandbox Information Available in Unsubmitted Static Scans Data Export

Veracode has added sandbox information to the Unsubmitted Static Scans data export to make it easier to find the incomplete static scans for an application.

SCA dashboards available in Analytics

Data from Veracode Software Composition Analysis (SCA) agent-based scans and upload scans is now available in Veracode Analytics for the European Region. The predefined Veracode dashboards, including the SCA Findings dashboard, now contain SCA scan data. You can also use the Findings, SCA Agent-Based Scans, and SCA Agent-Based Scan Issues data explores for custom reporting.

May 6, 2022

End of Support for Internet Explorer 11

Veracode will no longer support Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 after June 30, 2022. This change follows the Microsoft updates to its support model for Internet Explorer. Veracode recommends that you switch to a supported browser to avoid issues.

Official Support for Microsoft Edge

The Veracode Docs are updated to confirm that Microsoft Edge is a supported browser.

May 3, 2022

Support cases and scheduled consultations now available

You can now raise a support case and schedule a consultation from the Veracode Platform in the European Region.

Veracode Platform services updated to current versions

Applications and policies for the European Region now run on the current versions in the Veracode Platform.

April 4, 2022

Improved Team Management in the Veracode Platform

Veracode has improved the usability of the team management options on the Administration page in the Veracode Platform.

March 22, 2022

View Applications by Policy Evaluation Date

You can now view the date and time of the most recent event that triggered a policy evaluation for an application in a new field in the Applications REST API and the Applications list in the Veracode Platform. You can use this field to search for applications that have had new scans or approved mitigations since the listed date.