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Enable agent-based scanning behind a proxy

If you use the Veracode Software Composition Analysis agent with a CI tool that is behind a proxy, you must establish communication between the agent and your proxy server.

Before you begin:

To complete this task:

  1. To make the Java virtual machine (JVM) aware of the root certificate, run the appropriate command for your operating system:

    • Linux or Mac:

      export SRCCLR_SSL_CERT_FILE="/path to certificate file/"
    • Windows PowerShell:

      $env:SRCCLR_SSL_CERT_FILE='/path to certificate file/'
  2. To make the agent aware of the proxy, make one of these configurations:

    • Set the https_proxy environment variable containing a URL that points to the proxy server. For example:

      • Linux or Mac:

        export https_proxy=""
      • Windows Powershell:

    • Set the agent configuration values relevant to proxy identification and authentication, such as proxyHost and proxyPort, in ~.srcclragent.yml or in another YML configuration file defined with the --config= option.

      For example, include proxyHost: and proxyPort: 8080 in ~/.srcclr/agent.yml.

  3. To complete the connection, run the appropriate command to establish communication between the agent and the proxy server. For example:

    • Linux or Mac:

      curl -sSL | env DEBUG=1 SRCCLR_SSL_CERT_FILE="/path to certificate file/" bash -s scan --skip-collectors "ant,npm"
    • Windows PowerShell:

      $Client = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.WebClient
      $Client.Proxy.Credentials = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials
      $Script = $Client.DownloadString('')
      Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock ([scriptblock]::Create($Script)) -ArgumentList @('scan', '--skip-collectors', 'ant,npm')

    If you do not use the https_proxy environment variable or set proxyHost and proxyPort in ~/.srcclr/agent.yml, you must include '--config=/path to configuration file/' in this command.