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Test your ISM endpoint with the diagnostic tool

You can use the Veracode Internal Scanning Management endpoint diagnostic tool to test both of the connections necessary to complete a Dynamic Analysis with ISM: the connection between the endpoint and the Veracode gateway and the connection between the endpoint and your application URL.

If you run diagnostics often, you can set the parameters for the ISM endpoint diagnostic tool in the file so that you do not need to set them each time you run the test.

To complete this task:

  1. On the command line, navigate to your veracode_ism directory.

  2. Run the diagnostic test command:

    • To run the test based on the default parameters or the parameters set in, run this command:

      java -jar endpoint.jar  --diagnostics 
    • To overwrite the diagnostic test parameters at runtime, run this command:

      java -jar endpoint.jar  --diagnostics {diagnosticUrl} {diagnosticUrlBatchCount} {diagnosticTunnelBatchCount} {diagnosticTunnelBatchSizeKB}

      For example:

      java -jar endpoint.jar  --diagnostics 5 3 250

      If you exclude any parameters from the command, the diagnostic tool uses the parameters or, if you have not defined them, the default parameters.

    The test results print the performance statistics for these processes to your screen:

    • Data transfer between the endpoint and the Veracode gateway
    • Data transfer between the endpoint and the destination URL.

Next steps:

Review your ISM diagnostic results.