Export data from the Veracode Platform
You can generate and download reports of your Veracode account data for analyzing your application security program.
You must have the Security Lead or Administrator role to access data exports. The reports on the Export Data page run asynchronously. When you generate a new report, the report is created on the server side of the Veracode Platform and saved until you download it. Veracode refreshes account data twice daily, at 6AM and 6PM ET. For the most accurate account data, you should wait until after the data is refreshed to generate and download a report.
The data extract process might take a few minutes to run. You can download an older version of the report via the download button at any time, but the report does not have the most up-to-date information until you generate a new version.
To complete this task:
- Go to Analytics > Reports > Data Exports.
- To refresh the data export, select Generate Data Export
. The value in the Last Generated column updates when the new data export is ready.
- To download the data export, select the download icon. The report downloads to your browser in CSV format.