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The call returns a summary XML report of the scan results for the specified build.

Before using this API, Veracode strongly recommends that you read API usage and access guidelines. Ensure you access the APIs with the domain for your region.

REST API equivalent

The REST API equivalent of this call is a GET to /appsec/v2/applications/{application_guid}/summary_report using the Summary Report API. Veracode strongly recommends that you use the REST API for this action. For new integrations, always use the REST APIs.

Resource URL


IntegerApplication or sandbox build ID.

This call returns detailed flaw data only available for internally developed applications. Using this call for a third-party application returns an error.

HTTPie example

Examples use the HTTPie command-line tool.

http --auth-type=veracode_hmac "" "build_id==<build id>"

HTTPie results

The call returns the summaryreport XML document, which references the summaryreport.xsd schema file. You can use the XSD schema file to validate the XML data.

A partial XML example. Veracode has deprecated assurance_level and replaced it with business_criticality.

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>

<summaryreport xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:schemaLocation="" report_format_version="1.3"
account_id="<account id>" app_name="<app name>" app_id="<app id>" analysis_id="4705951" static_analysis_unit_id="4721671"
sandbox_id="1358509" first_build_submitted_date="2019-08-13 17:57:41 UTC" version="13 Aug 2019 Static" build_id="<build id>"
submitter="Veracode" platform="Not Specified" assurance_level="5" business_criticality="5"
generation_date="2019-09-04 20:06:49 UTC" veracode_level="VL1" total_flaws="22" flaws_not_mitigated="22" teams="Demo Team"
life_cycle_stage="Not Specified" planned_deployment_date="" last_update_time="2019-08-13 18:08:47 UTC" is_latest_build="true"
policy_name="Veracode Transitional Very High" policy_version="1" policy_compliance_status="Did Not Pass"
policy_rules_status="Did Not Pass" grace_period_expired="true" scan_overdue="false" business_owner=""
business_unit="Not Specified" tags="" legacy_scan_engine="false">
<static-analysis rating="D" score="82" submitted_date="2019-08-13 17:57:39 UTC" published_date="2019-08-13 18:08:35 UTC"
version="13 Aug 2019 Static" analysis_size_bytes="16157840" engine_version="20190805180615">
<module name="httpd" compiler="GCC_Linux_IA32_3_4_6" os="Red Hat Enterprise Linux v4 (IA32)" architecture="IA32" loc="66813"
score="82" numflawssev0="0" numflawssev1="0" numflawssev2="6" numflawssev3="13" numflawssev4="0" numflawssev5="3" />
<severity level="5">
<category categoryname="Numeric Errors" severity="Very High" count="2" />
<category categoryname="Buffer Overflow" severity="Very High" count="1" />
<severity level="4" />
<severity level="3">
<category categoryname="Buffer Management Errors" severity="Medium" count="9" />
<category categoryname="Numeric Errors" severity="Medium" count="3" />
<category categoryname="Cryptographic Issues" severity="Medium" count="1" />
<severity level="2">
<category categoryname="Error Handling" severity="Low" count="6" />
<severity level="1" />
<severity level="0" />
<flaw-status new="22" reopen="0" open="0" cannot-reproduce="0" fixed="0" total="22" not_mitigated="22" sev-1-change="0" sev-2-change="6"
sev-3-change="13" sev-4-change="0" sev-5-change="3" />
<customfield name="Custom 1" value="" />
<customfield name="Custom 2" value="" />
<customfield name="Custom 3" value="" />
<customfield name="Custom 4" value="" />
<customfield name="Custom 5" value="" />
<customfield name="Custom 6" value="" />
<customfield name="Custom 7" value="" />
<customfield name="Custom 8" value="" />
<customfield name="Custom 9" value="" />
<customfield name="Custom 10" value="" />
<software_composition_analysis third_party_components="0" violate_policy="false" components_violated_policy="0">
<vulnerable_components />

Java wrapper example

java -jar vosp-api-wrappers-java-<version #>.jar -vid <Veracode API ID> -vkey <Veracode API Key> -action summaryreport -buildid <build id> -outputfilepath c:\javawrappers\summaryreport.xml

C# wrapper example

VeracodeC#API -vid <Veracode API ID> -vkey <Veracode API key> -action summaryreport -buildid <build id> -outputfilepath c:\csharpwrappers\summaryreport.xml

API wrapper results

The call returns the summaryreport XML document, which references the summaryreport.xsd schema file. You can use the XSD schema file to validate the XML data.

A partial XML example. Veracode has deprecated assurance_level and replaced it with business_criticality.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

<summaryreport xmlns=""
xmlns:xsi="" account_id="<account id>" analysis_id="4978995"
app_id="<app id>" app_name="<app name>" assurance_level="3" build_id="<build id>" business_criticality="3"
business_owner="" business_unit="Mobile Secure Ventures" first_build_submitted_date="2019-09-18 21:15:28 UTC"
flaws_not_mitigated="276" generation_date="2019-09-30 22:06:34 UTC" grace_period_expired="true" is_latest_build="true"
last_update_time="2019-09-18 21:54:25 UTC" legacy_scan_engine="false" life_cycle_stage="Not Specified"
planned_deployment_date="2019-09-18 21:12:23 UTC" platform="Not Specified" policy_compliance_status="Did Not Pass"
policy_name="Veracode Recommended Medium" policy_rules_status="Did Not Pass" policy_version="1"
report_format_version="1.3" sandbox_id="<sandbox id>" scan_overdue="false" static_analysis_unit_id="4994637"
submitter="<Veracodeusername>" tags="" teams="Demo Team,Release Team" total_flaws="276"
veracode_level="VL1" version="18 Sep 2019 Static Promoted"
<static-analysis analysis_size_bytes="3735562" engine_version="20190826182718" next_scan_due="2019-12-18 22:54:12 UTC"
published_date="2019-09-18 21:54:12 UTC" rating="C" score="53" submitted_date="2019-09-18 21:53:07 UTC"
version="18 Sep 2019 Static Promoted">
<module architecture="JVM" compiler="JAVAC_5" loc="40531" name="<app name>" numflawssev0="1"
numflawssev1="0" numflawssev2="19" numflawssev3="232" numflawssev4="22" numflawssev5="2" os="Java J2SE 6"