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PL/SQL packaging

Your PL/SQL applications must meet specific compilation requirements before you can submit them for scanning.

See Supported languages and platforms for instructions for other platforms.

Supported PL/SQL versions

LanguageSupported versions
PL/SQLOracle 18c, 19c, 21c, and earlier

Required files

Veracode requires source files for the PL/SQL application. Veracode Static Analysis supports all PL/SQL constructs.

Veracode Static Analysis does not:

  • Analyze general SQL scripts or queries
  • Support middleware libraries or RAD tool libraries

Packaging guidance

Upload a compressed ZIP archive containing all PL/SQL code to Veracode. Files must be UTF-8 encoded. For clearest, most actionable results, PL/SQL procedures should be in separate files within the archive.

  • Do not include third-party packages.
  • Do not upload PL/SQL source files without placing them in an archive.

Veracode only scans PL/SQL files with these extensions:

  • FNC
  • PCK
  • PKB
  • PKS
  • PLS
  • PRC
  • SQL
  • TPB
  • TPS
  • TRG
  • VW