Quick reference for packaging requirements
Veracode provides compilation and packaging recommendations for popular languages and frameworks.
You can use the Veracode Packaging Cheat Sheet to generate language-specific packaging guidance for Static Analysis.
For language support specific to Veracode Pipeline Scan, see Pipeline Scan supported languages.
To package your code automatically, see About auto-packaging.
The following list provides a high-level overview of the packaging requirements for some of the most popular supported languages:
Upload JAR, WAR, or EAR files with debug symbols.
Generate a debug build, zip the build files, include deps.json
files, and upload the ZIP file.
If the application contains ASP files, publish the website to a directory, zip the published directory, and upload the ZIP file.
If the application contains TypeScript files, zip the source TypeScript files and upload them separately.
JavaScript and TypeScript
- Upload a ZIP file containing your source code. Do not include test code or built distribution files.
- Remove the
directory if lock files are present.
Zip the application source files and upload the ZIP file. Include composer.lock
in the root of your ZIP archive.
Upload JAR files with debug symbols.
Upload JAR or WAR files with debug symbols.
Upload JAR or WAR files with debug symbols.
Zip the application source files and upload the ZIP file.
Zip the application source files and upload the ZIP file.
Classic ASP
Zip the application source files and upload the ZIP file.
Zip the application source files and upload the ZIP file.
Zip the application source files and upload the ZIP file. Include Pipfile.lock
in the root of your ZIP archive.
Generate a debug build and package it as an APK file.
Upload a compiled APK or IPA file.
React Native
Zip the application source files and upload the ZIP file, or upload a compiled APK or IPA file.
Zip the application source files and upload the ZIP file.
C++ using Red Hat Linux
Upload a debug build compiled with the -gdwarf-2 -g3 -O0 -fno-builtin
flags using GCC.
Visual C++
Upload a debug build compiled with the /Zi /Od /GS- /MTd /link /INCREMENTAL:NO /DEBUG:FULL
Extract source code files from mainframe systems as UTF-8 encoded text files, zip the extracted files, and upload the ZIP file.
Extract source code files from mainframe systems as UTF-8 encoded text files, zip the extracted files, and upload the ZIP file.
Visual Basic 6
Zip the application source files and upload the ZIP file.