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Verify the email address for your Veracode Account

Verifying the email address you use for your Veracode account improves security and allows you to access the Veracode Community directly from the Veracode Platform.

You can initiate email address verification for your own user account or an Administrator can initiate it. If you access the Veracode Platform through single sign-on, Veracode prompts you to verify your email when you log in.


You cannot edit the email address for your user account without verifying the new address.

To complete this task:

  1. In the Veracode Platform, select Your Account from the top menu. If your email address is not verified, a message appears recommending that you verify it.
  2. Click the Send verification email link. Veracode sends you an email with a subject line of Action Required: Verify Email Address. If you edit your email address, Veracode sends the email to your new address.
  3. In the email you receive from Veracode, select Verify Email. A confirmation page states that your email address is now verified.