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SAST for Eclipse IDE

Veracode SAST for Eclipse IDE is a plugin for the Eclipse IDE that integrates Static Application Security Testing (SAST) into your Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC).

From within your IDE:

  • To detect flaws in your code, run Static Analysis scans
  • To resolve findings, use the provided remediation guidance

When you scan your project, the plugin automatically:

  • Packages your project code into an artifact, such as ZIP or JAR.
  • Uploads the artifact to Veracode for analysis.
  • Downloads the results and displays them in your IDE.

Scan results are only available in your IDE. You cannot access the results in the Veracode Platform.

Supported versions

Veracode has tested the following versions of the Eclipse IDE, but the plugin might work with other versions.

  • 2024-06
  • 2024-03
  • 2023-12

Supported languages and frameworks

Veracode has tested specific versions (if listed) of the following languages and frameworks, but the plugin might work with other versions.

About application packaging

Before Veracode can run a Static Analysis on your project, the code must be packaged into a supported artifact, such as ZIP or JAR. When you start a scan, the plugin uses an auto-packager to automatically package your project. Then, the plugin uploads the artifact to Veracode for scanning.

If the auto-packager is not able to package your application, or you prefer to create the artifact yourself, you can use the Veracode packaging guidance to package your application manually. The default location for manually packaged artifacts is <project root>/.verascan. At the root of your project, create the .verascan folder and add your artifact to this folder. When you start a scan, the plugin first looks for an artifact in the default location. To store your artifact in a different location, where the plugin looks next, configure the Artifact Glob setting.


A packaged artifact must not exceed the total file size limit of 200 MB.


Before you can install and use Veracode SAST for Eclipse IDE, you must have:

  • A supported version of the Eclipse IDE and a source project of a supported language or framework. Monorepos are not supported.

  • Added your project to a Git-based repository, or configured a source code management (SCM) environment variable, such as SRCCLR_NO_GIT=1.

  • To use auto-packaging, you must have:

    • All required build tools, such as compilers and supported package managers, for the language of your project, installed on your local system.
    • All required build tools available on the default command line prompt, which typically uses PATH. If you open a different project that uses different tools, or different versions of the same tools, before you can scan, you must ensure these tools are available on the default command prompt.
  • To run Static Analysis scans and view flaws, you must have:

    • An active Static Analysis license.
    • One of the following Veracode accounts:
      • A human user account with the Security Lead, Creator, or Submitter user role.
      • An API service account with the Upload and Scan API or Upload API - Submit Only API role.
    • Ensured your application builds successfully. If your project files change between scans, rebuild your project and ensure it builds successfully.
    • Enabled one-way communication on port 443.

Create an API credentials file

Before you can use the plugin, you must generate API credentials in the Veracode Platform and store them in a local credentials file. The plugin uses the API credentials to authenticate with Veracode.

Install the plugin

Install the plugin from the Eclipse Marketplace.


You can only install the plugin on one machine. If you install the plugin on multiple machines, it might fail to authenticate with Veracode.

Before you begin:

Ensure you meet the prerequisites.

To complete this task:

  1. In the Eclipse IDE, select Help > Eclipse Marketplace. Alternatively, go to Eclipse Marketplace.
  2. In the Eclipse Marketplace, search for veracode.
  3. Locate and install Veracode Scan.
  4. Accept the terms of the license agreement, then select Finish.
  5. If you are prompted to trust any artifacts, select Select All, then select Trust Selected.
  6. Restart your IDE.

Complete post-installation setup

After you install the plugin, access the Veracode perspective, ensure the plugin can authenticate with Veracode, and install a local agent.

Before you begin:

To complete this task:

  1. To open the Veracode perspective, select Window > Perspective > Open Perspective > Other....

  2. In the Open Perspective window, select Veracode, then select Open.

  3. Select the Veracode Scan view.


  4. Select Scan Project eclipse-ide-scan-project-button.png. The first time you start a scan, the Getting Started window opens. The plugin automatically detects your API credentials file and attempts to authenticate with Veracode.

  5. Under Authenticate with Veracode, review the Status.

    • If authentication is successful, the Status shows Authenticated. Continue to Step 6.

    • If authentication failed, the Status shows Not Authenticated. Complete one or both of the following, then select Test Authentication.

      a. Ensure your API credentials file is configured correctly and the file is in the required location.

      b. Ensure your API credentials are valid. If your credentials are invalid or expired, generate new credentials and replace the invalid credentials in your credentials file with your new credentials.

  6. To install a local agent, under Install Local Agent, select Install Agent. The plugin uses this agent to communicate with Veracode. This agent is specific to the plugin and does not affect any other local Veracode agents.

  7. Select Close. The Getting Started window will not open on subsequent scans. The setup is complete.

Configure the plugin

Optionally, provide the location of a custom artifact containing the code you want to scan. By default, the plugin uses auto-packaging to automatically package your code into an artifact when you start a scan.

To complete this task:

  1. In the Veracode perspective, select the Veracode Scan view.
  2. To open Veracode Scan Settings, from the dropdown menu eclipse-ide-dropdown-menu.png, select Settings.
  3. For Artifact Glob, enter a glob pattern that defines the path and filename for a packaged artifact that you created manually or placed in a custom location. The path must be relative to your project root directory.

Scan your project

To analyze the security risk of your code, scan your project. Because each scan uses the data paths in your project files to detect flaws in lines of code, it does not scan your code as you type. To detect flaws in new or changed lines of code, you must rescan your project.

A Veracode account is limited to six scans per 60 seconds and each scan is limited to a maximum scan time of 60 minutes.

Before you begin:

Ensure you meet the prerequisites.

To complete this task:

  1. Open a supported project. You can only scan one project at a time.
  2. In the Veracode perspective, select the Veracode Scan view.
  3. Select Scan Project eclipse-ide-scan-project-button.png. If you have more than one project open, the Select Project window opens.
  4. Select a project, then select OK.
  5. Wait for the scan to complete. When the scan is complete, the results appear in the following views: Scan Overview and Flaws In My Code.

Review the scan overview

After you scan your project, in the Veracode perspective, in the Veracode Scan view, the Scan Overview provides the following information about the scan and the results:

  • The scan completion time stamp and the duration of the scan.
  • The total number of flaws from the Static Analysis scan. To view the flaws categorized by severity, expand Flaws.

Working with flaws

To review, fix, or ignore discovered flaws, use the Flaws In My Code view.

Review flaws

Learn about the discovered flaws and their severity, and get remediation guidance that can help you fix them.

Before you begin:

Ensure you have scanned your project.

To complete this task:

  1. In the Veracode perspective, select the Veracode Scan view.
  2. Under Flaws In My Code, review the list of flaws. Each flaw shows the Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) ID and name, sorted by severity. The flaws with the highest severity are at the top of the list.
  3. Optionally, to only show flaws with specific severities, select the filter eclipse-ide-filter-icon.png to filter the flaws. Then, select one or more severities.
  4. To view a flaw within a source file, select a flaw. The source file opens in a tab and the line of code where the flaw exists is underlined in red. An icon to the left of the line of code shows the flaw severity. If the line of code contains multiple flaws, the icon shows the highest severity of all flaws.
  5. To view a detailed description of a flaw and the remediation actions you can take to fix it, under Flaws In My Code, select View Flaw Details ide-flaw-details-icon.png. The Veracode Scan Details tab opens.
  6. Alternatively, to open the Veracode Scan Details tab from a flaw in a source code file, hover over a line of code with a red underline. Then, select More details for a CWE.
  7. To review ignored flaws, under Flaws In My Code, scroll down to the bottom of the view and expand Ignored Findings.

Filter flaws

To control which flaws are listed Under Flaws In My Code, you can filter them by severity.

Before you begin:

Ensure you have scanned your project.

To complete this task:

  1. In the Veracode perspective, select the Veracode Scan view.
  2. Under Flaws In My Code, select the filter eclipse-ide-filter-icon.png.
  3. To hide or show flaws based on their severity, select one more severities. Each selected severity shows a checkmark. To indicate that the view is filtered, the filter icon shows a plus sign eclipse-ide-filter-applied-icon.png.
  4. To remove filters, select one or more severities that show a checkmark.

Fix flaws

To fix discovered flaws, follow the remediation guidance available in your IDE.

Before you begin:

Ensure you have scanned your project.

To complete this task:

  1. In the Veracode perspective, select the Veracode Scan view.
  2. Under Flaws In My Code, expand a flaw you want to fix.
  3. Optionally, to hide or show flaws based on their severity, filter the flaws.
  4. To open the Veracode Scan Details tab, select View Flaw Details eclipse-ide-flaw-details-icon.png.
  5. To open the source file that contains the flaw, select the flaw. In the source file, the line of code where the flaw exists is underlined in red. A line of code can contain multiple flaws.
  6. To fix the flaw, on the Veracode Scan Details tab, follow the instructions under Remediation Guidance. To see the path that the scanner followed to locate this flaw, under Data Paths, expand a path. Then, select the Step link for the source file and code line number you want to view.
  7. Alternatively, to open the Veracode Scan Details tab from a flaw in the source file, hover over a line of code with a red underline. Then, in the window that opens, select More details for a CWE.
  8. To confirm that a flaw is fixed, rescan your project and check that the flaw is no longer listed Under Flaws In My Code.

Ignore flaws

To temporarily remove flaws from the scan results, you can ignore them. For example, you might want to ignore flaws that continually appear or are of low importance, such as Informational.

Before you begin:

Ensure you have scanned your project.

To complete this task:

  1. In the Veracode perspective, select the Veracode Scan view.
  2. Under Flaws In My Code, select a flaw. The source file that contains the flaw opens in a tab and the line of code where the flaw exists is underlined in red.
  3. Hover over a line of code with a red underline. A window opens with details about the CWEs for the flaws in the line of code.
  4. To ignore the flaw, select Ignore this finding for its CWE. If the line of code contains multiple flaws, the menu lists multiple CWEs. The flaw moves to the Ignored Flaws section at the bottom of Flaws In My Code and is no longer visible in the source file.
  5. To unignore a flaw, expand Ignored Flaws. Then, expand a flaw and select Unignore Flaw. The flaw moves out of the Ignored Flaws section and is visible in the source file.

Clear all results

Remove all findings from all views and the plugin.

Before you begin:

Ensure you have scanned your project.

To complete this task:


You cannot undo this action or recover the cleared findings. To see results, rescan your project.

  1. In the Veracode perspective, select the Veracode Scan view.
  2. From the dropdown menu eclipse-ide-dropdown-menu.png, select Clear All Results.


To generate a log file for a scan and the auto-packager, turn on debugging. You can use these logs to troubleshoot issues.


When turned on, the debug option does not persist. You must turn it on before each scan.

To complete this task:

  1. In the Veracode perspective, select the Veracode Scan view.
  2. From the dropdown menu eclipse-ide-dropdown-menu.png, select Enable Debug. The Enable Debug menu item shows a checkmark.

The log files are stored on your local machine in .veracode/ide_agent/eclipse/. To remove these files, you must delete them manually.

To turn off debugging, select Enable Debug to remove the checkmark.

If you need additional help, contact Veracode Technical Support.