Veracode Greenlight for Visual Studio Code Components
This section lists the third-party components included in Veracode Greenlight for Visual Studio Code with links to the license agreements.
Release 1.5
- azure-devops-node-api 11.1.0
- Academic Free License v2.1
- json-schema 0.4.0
- Apache License 2.0
- @sinonjs/text-encoding 0.7.1
- atob 2.1.2
- aws-sign2 0.7.0
- caseless 0.12.0
- detect-libc 2.0.0
- forever-agent 0.6.1
- gson 2.8.5
- ini4j 0.5.4
- lodash 4.17.21
- make-error-cause 1.2.2
- node-environment-flags 1.0.5
- oauth-sign 0.9.0
- rc 1.2.8
- request 2.88.2
- spdx-correct 3.1.1
- swagger-annotations 1.5.20
- tunnel-agent 0.6.0
- validate-npm-package-license 3.0.4
- BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
- cheerio-select 1.5.0
- css-select 4.2.1
- css-what 5.1.0
- domino 2.1.6
- domelementtype 2.2.0
- domhandler 4.3.0
- domutils 2.8.0
- entities 2.0.3
- entities 2.2.0
- esprima 4.0.1
- normalize-package-data 2.5.0
- nth-check 2.0.1
- rc 1.2.8
- uglify-js 3.15.1
- uri-js 4.4.1
- BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
- @sinonjs/commons 1.8.3
- @sinonjs/fake-timers 9.1.0
- @sinonjs/samsam 6.1.1
- bcrypt-pbkdf 1.0.2
- diff 3.5.0
- diff 5.0.0
- duplexer2 0.1.4
- flat 4.1.1
- ieee754 1.2.1
- istanbul-lib-coverage 2.0.5
- istanbul-lib-hook 2.0.7
- istanbul-lib-instrument 3.3.0
- istanbul-lib-report 2.0.8
- istanbul-lib-source-maps 3.0.6
- istanbul-reports 2.2.7
- nise 5.1.1
- qs 6.5.3
- qs 6.10.3
- sinon 13.0.1
- sjcl 1.0.8
- source-map 0.7.3
- source-map 0.6.1
- source-map 0.5.7
- sprintf-js 1.0.3
- threetenbp 1.3.5
- tough-cookie 2.5.0
- BSD Zero Clause License
- tslib 1.14.1
- tslib 2.3.1
- Common Development and Distribution License 1.1
- jaxb-api 2.2.12
- Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
- spdx-exceptions 2.3.0
- Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
- spdx-license-ids 3.0.11
- GNU General Public License v2.0 only
- sjcl 1.0.8
- GNU General Public License v2.0 w/Classpath exception
- jaxb-api 2.2.12
- GPL GNU General Public License v3.0 only
- jszip 3.1.5
- ISC License
- anymatch 2.0.0
- aproba 1.2.0
- are-we-there-yet 1.1.7
- boolbase 1.0.0
- browser-stdout 1.3.1
- chownr 1.1.4
- cliui 3.2.0
- cliui 5.0.0
- color-support 1.1.3
- concat-with-sourcemaps 1.1.0
- console-control-strings 1.1.0
- d 1.0.1
- es5-ext 0.10.53
- es6-symbol 3.1.3
- es6-weak-map 2.0.3
- ext 1.6.0
- glob 7.2.0
- y18n 4.0.3
- ini ini 1.3.8
- foreground-child 1.5.6
- fs.realpath 1.0.0
- fstream 1.0.12
- gauge 2.7.4
- get-caller-file 1.0.3
- get-caller-file 2.0.5
- glob-parent 3.1.0
- graceful-fs 4.2.9
- har-schema 2.0.0
- has-unicode 2.0.1
- hosted-git-info 2.8.9
- inflight 1.0.6
- inherits 2.0.4
- ini 1.3.8
- isexe 2.0.0
- json-stringify-safe 5.0.1
- listenercount 1.0.1
- lru-cache 6.0.0
- lru-cache 4.1.5
- make-error 1.3.6
- minimatch 3.1.1
- mute-stream 0.0.8
- npmlog 4.1.2
- nyc 14.1.1
- once 1.4.0
- osenv 0.1.5
- package-hash 3.0.0
- pseudomap 1.0.2
- read 1.0.7
- release-zalgo 1.0.0
- remove-trailing-separator 1.1.0
- require-main-filename 2.0.0
- require-main-filename 1.0.1
- rimraf 2.7.1
- rimraf 3.0.2
- sax 1.2.4
- semver 6.3.0
- semver 7.3.5
- semver 5.7.1
- set-blocking 2.0.0
- signal-exit 3.0.7
- spawn-wrap 1.4.3
- test-exclude 5.2.3
- type 1.2.0
- type 2.6.0
- vinyl-sourcemaps-apply 0.2.1
- which 1.3.1
- which-module 2.0.0
- which-module 1.0.0
- wide-align 1.1.3
- wrappy 1.0.2
- write-file-atomic 2.4.3
- y18n 3.2.2
- yallist 4.0.0
- yallist 2.1.2
- yargs-parser 5.0.1
- yargs-parser 13.1.2
- MIT License
- @babel/code-frame 7.16.7
- @babel/generator 7.17.0
- @babel/parser 7.17.0
- @babel/traverse 7.17.0
- @babel/types 7.17.0
- @babel/helper-environment-visitor 7.16.7
- @babel/helper-function-name 7.16.7
- @babel/helper-get-function-arity 7.16.7
- @babel/helper-hoist-variables 7.16.7
- @babel/helper-split-export-declaration 7.16.7
- @babel/helper-validator-identifier 7.16.7
- @babel/highlight 7.16.10
- @babel/template 7.16.7
- @tootallnate/once 1.1.2
- ajv 6.12.6
- ansi-colors 3.2.4
- ansi-colors 1.1.0
- ansi-cyan 0.1.1
- ansi-gray 0.1.1
- ansi-red 0.1.1
- ansi-regex 4.1.0
- ansi-regex 2.1.1
- ansi-styles 3.2.1
- ansi-wrap 0.1.0
- append-buffer 1.0.2
- append-transform 1.0.0
- archy 1.0.0
- arg 4.1.3
- argparse 1.0.10
- array-each 1.0.1
- array-initial 1.1.0
- array-last 1.3.0
- array-slice 1.1.0
- array-slice 0.2.3
- array-sort 1.0.0
- array-unique 0.3.2
- arr-diff 4.0.0
- arr-diff 1.1.0
- arr-filter 1.1.2
- arr-flatten 1.1.0
- arr-map 2.0.2
- arr-union 3.1.0
- arr-union 2.1.0
- asn1 0.2.6
- assertion-error 1.1.0
- assert-plus 1.0.0
- assign-symbols 1.0.0
- async-done 1.3.2
- async-each 1.0.3
- asynckit 0.4.0
- async-settle 1.0.0
- atob 2.1.2
- aws4 1.11.0
- bach 1.2.0
- base 0.11.2
- base64-js 1.5.1
- big.js 5.2.2
- binary 0.3.0
- binary-extensions 1.13.1
- bl 4.1.0
- bluebird 3.4.7
- brace-expansion 1.1.11
- braces 2.3.2
- buffer 5.7.1
- buffer-crc32 0.2.13
- buffer-equal 1.0.0
- buffer-indexof-polyfill 1.0.2
- buffers 0.1.1
- builtin-modules 1.1.1
- cache-base 1.0.1
- caching-transform 3.0.2
- call-bind 1.0.2
- camelcase 3.0.0
- camelcase 5.3.1
- chainsaw 0.1.0
- chalk 2.4.2
- check-error 1.0.2
- cheerio 1.0.0-rc.10
- chokidar 2.1.8
- circular-json 0.3.3
- class-utils 0.3.6
- clone 2.1.2
- cloneable-readable 1.1.3
- clone-buffer 1.0.0
- clone-stats 1.0.0
- code-point-at 1.1.0
- collection-map 1.0.0
- collection-visit 1.0.0
- color-convert 1.9.3
- color-name 1.1.3
- combined-stream 1.0.8
- commander 2.20.3
- commondir 1.0.1
- component-emitter 1.3.0
- concat-map 0.0.1
- concat-stream 1.6.2
- copy-descriptor 0.1.1
- core-js 2.3.0
- core-util-is 1.0.2
- cp-file 6.2.0
- cross-spawn 4.0.2
- dashdash 1.14.1
- debug 2.6.9
- decamelize 1.2.0
- decode-uri-component 0.2.0
- decompress-response 6.0.0
- deep-eql 3.0.1
- deep-extend 0.6.0
- default-compare 1.0.0
- default-require-extensions 2.0.0
- default-resolution 2.0.0
- define-properties 1.1.3
- define-property 1.0.0
- define-property 0.2.5
- define-property 2.0.2
- delayed-stream 1.0.0
- delegates 1.0.0
- denodeify 1.2.1
- detect-file 1.0.0
- duplexify 3.7.1
- each-props 1.3.2
- ecc-jsbn 0.1.2
- emoji-regex 7.0.3
- emojis-list 3.0.0
- end-of-stream 1.4.4
- enhanced-resolve 4.5.0
- errno 0.1.8
- error-ex 1.3.2
- es6-error 4.1.1
- es6-iterator 2.0.3
- es6-promise 3.0.2
- es-abstract 1.19.1
- escape-string-regexp 1.0.5
- es-to-primitive 1.2.1
- expand-brackets 2.1.4
- expand-template 2.0.3
- expand-tilde 2.0.2
- extend 3.0.2
- extend-shallow 2.0.1
- extend-shallow 1.1.4
- extend-shallow 3.0.2
- extglob 2.0.4
- extsprintf 1.3.0
- fancy-log 1.3.3
- fast-deep-equal 3.1.3
- fast-json-stable-stringify 2.1.0
- fast-levenshtein 1.1.4
- fd-slicer 1.1.0
- fill-range 4.0.0
- find-cache-dir 2.1.0
- find-up 1.1.2
- find-up 3.0.0
- findup-sync 2.0.0
- findup-sync 3.0.0
- fined 1.2.0
- flagged-respawn 1.0.1
- flush-write-stream 1.1.1
- for-in 1.0.2
- form-data 2.3.3
- form-data 2.5.1
- for-own 1.0.0
- fragment-cache 0.2.1
- fs-constants 1.0.0
- fs-mkdirp-stream 1.0.0
- function-bind 1.1.1
- get-func-name 2.0.0
- getpass 0.1.7
- get-symbol-description 1.0.0
- get-value 2.0.6
- github-from-package 0.0.0
- global-modules 1.0.0
- global-prefix 1.0.2
- globals 11.12.0
- glob-stream 6.1.0
- glogg 1.0.2
- growl 1.10.5
- gson-fire 1.8.0
- gulp 4.0.2
- gulp-clean 0.4.0
- gulp-cli 2.3.0
- gulp-concat 2.6.1
- gulplog 1.0.0
- gulp-typescript 5.0.1
- gulp-uglify 3.0.2
- har-validator 5.1.5
- has 1.0.3
- has-flag 3.0.0
- has-flag 4.0.0
- has-gulplog 0.1.0
- hasha 3.0.0
- has-value 1.0.0
- has-value 0.3.1
- has-values 1.0.0
- has-values 0.1.4
- he 1.2.0
- homedir-polyfill 1.0.3
- html-escaper 2.0.2
- http-proxy-agent 4.0.1
- http-signature 1.2.0
- https-proxy-agent 5.0.0
- immediate 3.0.6
- imurmurhash 0.1.4
- invert-kv 1.0.0
- is-absolute 1.0.0
- is-accessor-descriptor 1.0.0
- is-accessor-descriptor 0.1.6
- isarray 0.0.1
- isarray 1.0.0
- is-arrayish 0.2.1
- is-bigint 1.0.4
- is-binary-path 1.0.1
- is-buffer 1.1.6
- is-buffer 2.0.5
- is-data-descriptor 0.1.4
- is-data-descriptor 1.0.0
- is-descriptor 0.1.6
- is-descriptor 1.0.2
- is-extendable 1.0.1
- is-extendable 0.1.1
- is-extglob 2.1.1
- is-fullwidth-code-point 2.0.0
- is-fullwidth-code-point 1.0.0
- is-glob 3.1.0
- is-negated-glob 1.0.0
- is-number 4.0.0
- is-number 3.0.0
- isobject 3.0.1
- isobject 2.1.0
- is-plain-object 2.0.4
- is-relative 1.0.0
- is-shared-array-buffer 1.0.1
- isstream 0.1.2
- is-stream 1.1.0
- is-typedarray 1.0.0
- is-unc-path 1.0.0
- is-utf8 0.2.1
- is-valid-glob 1.0.0
- is-windows 1.0.2
- is-wsl 1.1.0
- jsbn 0.1.1
- jsesc 2.5.2
- json5 1.0.1
- jsonfile 5.0.0
- json-parse-better-errors 1.0.2
- json-schema-traverse 0.4.1
- json-stable-stringify-without-jsonify 1.0.1
- js-tokens 4.0.0
- js-yaml 3.13.1
- jszip 3.1.5
- just-extend 4.2.1
- keytar 7.8.0
- kind-of 6.0.3
- kind-of 4.0.0
- kind-of 3.2.2
- kind-of 1.1.0
- kind-of 5.1.0
- last-run 1.1.1
- lazystream 1.0.1
- lcid 1.0.0
- lead 1.0.0
- leven 3.1.0
- lie 3.1.1
- liftoff 3.1.0
- linkify-it 2.2.0
- loader-utils 1.4.0
- load-json-file 4.0.0
- load-json-file 1.1.0
- loadsh 0.0.4
- locate-path 3.0.0
- lodash 4.17.21
- lodash.flattendeep 4.4.0
- lodash.get 4.4.2
- log-symbols 2.2.0
- loupe 2.3.4
- make-dir 2.1.0
- make-iterator 1.0.1
- map-cache 0.2.2
- map-visit 1.0.0
- markdown-it 10.0.0
- matchdep 2.0.0
- mdurl 1.0.1
- memory-fs 0.5.0
- merge-source-map 1.1.0
- micromatch 3.1.10
- mime 1.6.0
- mime-db 1.51.0
- mime-types 2.1.34
- mimic-response 3.1.0
- minimist 1.2.5
- mixin-deep 1.3.2
- mkdirp-classic 0.5.3
- ms 2.1.2
- ms 2.0.0
- mute-stdout 1.0.1
- nanomatch 1.2.13
- napi-build-utils 1.0.2
- nested-error-stacks 2.1.0
- next-tick 1.0.0
- node-abi 3.8.0
- node-addon-api 4.3.0
- normalize-path 2.1.1
- normalize-path 3.0.0
- now-and-later 2.0.1
- number-is-nan 1.0.1
- object.assign 4.1.0
- object.defaults 1.1.0
- object.getownpropertydescriptors 2.1.3
- 1.0.1
- object.pick 1.3.0
- object.reduce 1.0.1
- object-assign 4.1.1
- object-copy 0.1.0
- object-keys 1.1.1
- object-visit 1.0.1
- opn 5.5.0
- ordered-read-streams 1.0.1
- os-homedir 1.0.2
- os-locale 1.4.0
- os-tmpdir 1.0.2
- pako 1.0.11
- parse5 6.0.1
- parse5-htmlparser2-tree-adapter 6.0.1
- parse-filepath 1.0.2
- parse-json 4.0.0
- parse-json 2.2.0
- parse-node-version 1.0.1
- parse-passwd 1.0.0
- parse-semver 1.1.1
- pascalcase 0.1.1
- path-dirname 1.0.2
- path-exists 3.0.0
- path-exists 2.1.0
- path-is-absolute 1.0.1
- path-parse 1.0.7
- path-root 0.1.1
- path-root-regex 0.1.2
- path-to-regexp 1.8.0
- path-type 3.0.0
- path-type 1.1.0
- pathval 1.1.1
- pend 1.2.0
- performance-now 2.1.0
- pify 3.0.0
- pify 2.3.0
- pify 4.0.1
- pinkie 2.0.4
- pinkie-promise 2.0.1
- pkg-dir 3.0.0
- p-limit 2.3.0
- p-locate 3.0.0
- plugin-error 1.0.1
- plugin-error 0.1.2
- posix-character-classes 0.1.1
- postinstall-build 5.0.3
- prebuild-install 7.0.1
- pretty-hrtime 1.0.3
- process-nextick-args 2.0.1
- process-nextick-args 1.0.7
- prr 1.0.1
- psl 1.8.0
- p-try 2.2.0
- pump 2.0.1
- pump 3.0.0
- pumpify 1.5.1
- punycode 2.1.1
- q 1.5.1
- rc 1.2.8
- readable-stream 2.3.7
- readable-stream 3.6.0
- readable-stream 2.0.6
- readdirp 2.2.1
- read-pkg 1.1.0
- read-pkg 3.0.0
- read-pkg-up 4.0.0
- read-pkg-up 1.0.1
- rechoir 0.6.2
- regex-not 1.0.2
- remove-bom-buffer 3.0.0
- remove-bom-stream 1.2.0
- repeat-string 1.6.1
- replace-ext 1.0.1
- replace-homedir 1.0.0
- require-directory 2.1.1
- resolve 1.22.0
- resolve-dir 1.0.1
- resolve-from 4.0.0
- resolve-options 1.1.0
- resolve-url 0.2.1
- ret 0.1.15
- safe-buffer 5.1.2
- safe-buffer 5.2.1
- safer-buffer 2.1.2
- safe-regex 1.1.0
- semver-greatest-satisfied-range 1.1.0
- setimmediate 1.0.5
- set-value 2.0.1
- simple-concat 1.0.1
- simple-get 4.0.1
- snapdragon 0.8.2
- snapdragon-node 2.1.1
- snapdragon-util 3.0.1
- source-map-resolve 0.5.3
- source-map-url 0.4.1
- sparkles 1.0.1
- spdx-expression-parse 3.0.1
- split-string 3.1.0
- stack-trace 0.0.10
- static-extend 0.1.2
- stream-exhaust 1.0.2
- stream-shift 1.0.1
- string.prototype.trimend 1.0.4
- string.prototype.trimstart 1.0.4
- string_decoder 1.1.1
- string_decoder 0.10.31
- string-width 3.1.0
- string-width 1.0.2
- strip-ansi 3.0.1
- strip-ansi 5.2.0
- strip-bom 3.0.0
- strip-bom 2.0.0
- strip-json-comments 2.0.1
- supports-color 6.1.0
- supports-color 7.2.0
- supports-color 6.0.0
- supports-color 5.5.0
- sver-compat 1.5.0
- tapable 1.1.3
- tar-fs 2.1.1
- tar-stream 2.2.0
- through2 2.0.5
- through2 3.0.2
- through2-filter 3.0.0
- time-stamp 1.1.0
- to-absolute-glob 2.0.2
- to-fast-properties 2.0.0
- to-object-path 0.3.0
- to-regex 3.0.2
- to-regex-range 2.1.1
- to-through 2.0.0
- traverse 0.3.9
- ts-mock-imports 1.3.8
- tsutils 2.29.0
- tunnel 0.0.6
- turndown 7.1.1
- typedarray 0.0.6
- type-detect 4.0.8
- typed-rest-client 1.8.6
- typemoq 2.1.0
- uc.micro 1.0.6
- unc-path-regex 0.1.2
- undertaker 1.3.0
- undertaker-registry 1.0.1
- union-value 1.0.1
- unique-stream 2.3.1
- universalify 0.1.2
- unset-value 1.0.0
- unzipper 0.10.11
- upath 1.2.0
- urix 0.1.0
- url-join 1.1.0
- use 3.1.1
- util-deprecate 1.0.2
- uuid 3.4.0
- v8flags 3.2.0
- value-or-function 3.0.0
- verror 1.10.0
- vinyl 2.2.1
- vinyl-fs 3.0.3
- vinyl-sourcemap 1.1.0
- vosp-api-wrappers-java
- vscode-test 1.6.1
- which-boxed-primitive 1.0.2
- wrap-ansi 2.1.0
- wrap-ansi 5.1.0
- xml2js 0.4.23
- xmlbuilder 11.0.1
- xml-js 1.6.11
- xtend 4.0.2
- yargs 13.3.2
- yargs-unparser 1.6.0
- yauzl 2.10.0
- yazl 2.5.1
- yn 3.1.1
- agent-base 6.0.2
- balanced-match 1.0.2
- buffer-from 1.1.2
- convert-source-map 1.8.0
- copy-props 2.0.5
- core-util-is 1.0.3
- debug 4.3.3
- dom-serializer 1.3.2
- get-intrinsic 1.1.1
- glob-watcher 5.0.5
- has-bigints 1.0.1
- has-symbols 1.0.2
- has-tostringtag 1.0.0
- htmlparser2 6.1.0
- internal-slot 1.0.3
- interpret 1.4.0
- is-boolean-object 1.1.2
- is-callable 1.2.4
- is-core-module 2.8.1
- is-date-object 1.0.5
- is-glob 4.0.3
- is-negative-zero 2.0.2
- is-number-object 1.0.6
- is-plain-object 5.0.0
- is-regex 1.1.4
- is-string 1.0.7
- is-symbol 1.0.4
- is-weakref 1.0.2
- jsprim 1.4.2
- just-debounce 1.1.0
- mkdirp 0.5.4
- object.assign 4.1.2
- object-inspect 1.12.0
- repeat-element 1.1.4
- side-channel 1.0.4
- source-map-support 0.5.21
- sshpk 1.17.0
- supports-preserve-symlinks-flag 1.0.0
- tmp 0.2.1
- unbox-primitive 1.0.1
- underscore 1.13.2
- yargs 7.1.2
- The Unlicense
- @sinonjs/text-encoding 0.7.1
- tweetnacl 0.14.5
- big-integer 1.6.51
- expand-template 2.0.3
- X11 License
- buffers 0.1.1
- zlib License
- pako 1.0.11