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Using My Workspace for Veracode SCA

All Veracode Software Composition Analysis users have access to a personal workspace for local scanning called My Workspace, but Veracode does not recommend using it for anything but temporary experimentation with agent-based scanning.


Veracode's next-generation IDE plugins will temporarily create projects in My Workspace, but since My Workspace can only store up to three projects, scans in your IDE will fail if you have already reached this limit. Therefore, Veracode recommends you delete all projects from My Workspace before using these plugins.

Your user account does not require specific roles or team membership to create projects or start scans in My Workspace. The workspace automatically appears in your workspace list.

With My Workspace, you can create agents, add custom rules, and manage and review scan data for projects just as you do with other workspaces. To simplify the My Workspace experience, Veracode implements several restrictions. You cannot:

If you need access to more than three projects, reach out to the administrator of your Veracode account to request access to other workspaces.