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Scanning the dependency tree for Gradle

The Veracode SCA agent can scan the output of the Gradle dependencies task. For dependency tree scanning, the agent requires you to specify the --stdin=gradle input option.

You must compile the project before scanning to enable vulnerable method analysis.


Dependency tree scanning disables scanning for all other package managers.

You can scan the dependency tree for Maven using either of these methods:

  • Redirect the output of the Gradle dependencies task directly to the Veracode SCA agent. For example, in Linux bash:

    ./gradlew dependencies | srcclr scan --stdin=gradle
  • Redirect the output of the Gradle dependencies task into a file and point the Veracode SCA agent to the file using the dependency_tree_file scan directive. For example, in Linux bash:

    ./gradlew dependencies > tree.txt
    SRCCLR_DEPENDENCY_TREE_FILE=tree.txt srcclr scan --stdin=gradle

For multi-project Gradle builds, you might need to prefix the dependencies task with a subproject name and a colon in the gradle or gradlew command. For example: my-subproject:dependencies.

If you want to specify the scope of dependencies included in the scan, you can use the --configuration option with the dependencies task for gradle or gradlew. The scope scan directive for the agent does not support dependency tree scanning for Gradle.