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Pipeline Scan example for using a baseline file with Jenkins

This example Groovy code shows how you can add a Pipeline Scan that uses a baseline file to a Jenkins build pipeline.

The Pipeline Scan evaluates only flaws that differ from those stored in the baseline file to determine pass or fail criteria. You can use a baseline file to evaluate security risk on only new changes to your application. The Pipeline Scan uses a single pipeline for the build and security scan, then stores the baseline file as an artifact each time a job runs. You can modify this example so that you can run the Pipeline Scan as its own pipeline that another job can trigger. Depending on your build configuration, you may want to store results in a separate globally-accessible location, such as a shared directory.

The example includes a script that downloads and unzips, to ensure you have the latest version, then runs pipeline-scan.jar using your API credentials. For improved stability, Veracode recommends that you change these scripts to use the Pipeline Scan Docker image.

pipeline {
agent { label <'any-with-jdk8-maven-curl-unzip'> }
stages {
stage('Clone Repo') {
steps {
git url: "$GIT_URL", branch: "$GIT_BRANCH", credentialsId: 'ae020d0c-c99b-4a6c-9663-7a2e0290648c'
stage('Gradle Build') {
steps {
sh './gradlew clean build'
stage('Veracode Pipeline Scan') {
steps {
// Copy baseline from previous build
copyArtifacts(projectName: "$JOB_NAME", selector: lastSuccessful(stable: true), filter: 'baseline.json', target: '.', optional: true)
script {
ref = sh(script: 'git rev-parse HEAD', returnStdout: true).trim()
baseline = ''
if (fileExists('baseline.json')) {
baseline = '--baseline_file baseline.json'

// Download and submit Pipeline Scan
sh 'curl -O'
sh 'unzip pipeline-scan.jar'
sh """
java -jar pipeline-scan.jar \
--veracode_api_id "${env.VERACODE_API_KEY_ID}" \
--veracode_api_key "${env.VERACODE_API_KEY_SECRET}" \
--jf results.json \
--timeout "$timeout" \
--file "build/libs/sample.jar" \
--project_name "$JOB_NAME" \
--project_url "$GIT_URL" \
--project_ref "$ref"
stage('Store Baseline') {
steps {
script {
try {
input(message: 'Store results as baseline for future scans?', ok: 'Yes')
sh 'cp baseline.json build-baseline.json'
sh 'cp results.json baseline.json'
} catch (err) {

post {
always {
archiveArtifacts artifacts: "*.json", fingerprint: true, allowEmptyArchive: true