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OWASP 2023 API Security Top 10 support

This table describes which categories in the OWASP 2023 API Security Top 10 that Veracode supports for Dynamic Analysis and DAST Essentials.

CategoryDescriptionDynamic AnalysisDAST Essentials
API1:2023Broken Object Level AuthorizationPartial support (fuzzing paths)Partial support (fuzzing paths)
API2:2023Broken AuthenticationFull supportFull support
API3:2023Broken Object Level Authorization**
API4:2023Unrestricted Resource Consumption**
API5:2023Broken Functiopn Level Authorization**
API6:2023Unrestricted Access to Sensitive Business Flows**
API7:2023Server Side Request ForgeryFull supportFull support
API8:2023Security MisconfigurationFull supportFull support
API9:2023Improper Inventory ManagementPartial supportPartial support
API10:2023Unsafe Consumption of APIs**
  • Veracode Dynamic Analysis and DAST Essentials might provide inaccurate results for these categories. For accurate results, Veracode recommends that you test these categories with Manual Penetration Testing (MPT).