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Jira Cloud fields that map to Veracode fields

This table lists the standard fields in Jira and Jira Cloud to which you can map Veracode custom fields on the Veracode to Jira Field Mappings page. The Veracode to Jira Field Mappings page is available with the Veracode Integration for Jira and the Veracode Integration for Jira Cloud.

Standard Jira FieldDescription
Affected Version/s 
AssigneeUser assigned to the issue. The Veracode Integration for Jira uses these criteria when populating the Assignee field in Jira:
  • If the Assignee field is mapped to a Veracode custom field, and the value is a valid username in Jira, the Assignee field value is that username. The custom field value must be a valid username in Jira and cannot be the user display name or full name.
  • If the Assignee field is mapped to a Veracode custom field, but the custom field value is blank or is not a valid username, the Assignee field value is Unassigned.
  • If neither the Assignee field nor the Component/s field are mapped to a Veracode custom field, the Assignee field value is the default assignee value of the Jira project.
  • If the Component/s field is mapped to a Veracode custom field, the Assignee field value is the default assignee value assigned to the component in Jira. If the Component/s field contains multiple components:
    1. The integration alphabetizes the components by name.
    2. The Assignee field value is the default assignee value from the first component value in the alphabetized list.
Component/sComma-separated list of component values defined in custom fields in the Veracode Platform. Use this format for each component:
For example:
ComponentA:ComponentAdesc: :0,ComponentB:ComponentBdesc:Carl:1
This example defines these components:
  • ComponentA has a description, no component lead, and uses the project default of 0 for the assignee.
  • ComponentB has a description and uses Carl for the component lead name and default assignee, which is 1.
If you omit part of the string, enter a space after each colon for an omitted value. For example, if you only specify a component called comp1, enter comp1: : :
For the default assignee type, use these numeric values:
  • 0 or empty for Project Default
  • 1 for Component Lead
  • 2 for Project Lead
  • 3 for Unassigned
The numeric values correspond to the actual default assignee type values such as Project Default or Component Lead in Jira or Jira Cloud. See the Jira or Jira Cloud documentation.
DescriptionAdds the finding description value from the Veracode detailedreport.xml file and appends it to the existing description in the issue.The Description (overwrite) option replaces the Description field in Jira or Jira Cloud with the value from the selected field in the Veracode Platform. If the Veracode Platform field is empty, the mapping erases the contents of the Description field in Jira or Jira Cloud.
Fix Version/s 
Issue TypeIssue type, such as story, bug, or epic. If there is no mapping for this field, the integration uses the issue type set in Jira or Jira Cloud.
LabelsComma-separated list of labels to add to the issue. These labels do not affect any existing labels. During import, the integration removes any spaces between labels and concatenates any strings.
Original EstimateOriginal estimate of the work required to resolve this issue. To map this field, you must have Time Tracking configured on the screen.
ReporterUser designated as the reporter for an issue. If there is no mapping for this field, the integration uses the reporter specified in Jira or Jira Cloud.
Time SpentTime spent working on an issue. The value is based on the Time Tracking setting in Jira or Jira Cloud. You can set the default unit to Minute, Hour, Day, or Week. The integration converts the input long value to the default unit. To map this field, you must have Log Work configured in Jira or Jira Cloud.