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Create a plan in Bamboo for Java applications

You can create a plan for Java applications using the Veracode Bamboo Integration.

Before you begin:

You meet the prerequisites.

To complete this task:

  1. Start Bamboo.

  2. In Bamboo, create and configure a new plan.

  3. Select Configure tasks.

  4. Select Add task.

  5. From the Task types dropdown menu, select Maven 2.x.

  6. On the Maven 2.x Configuration page, enter values in these fields:

    • Task Description
    • Executable: you may have to create a new label for your Maven executable.
    • Goal: for example, Set up clean test package.
    • Build JDK
  7. Select Save.

  8. Select Yes to enable the plan.

  9. Select Create.

  10. Ensure your plan is enabled and select Run plan to complete the configuration. You see an error until you have a Maven project to run.