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Pipeline Scan prerequisites

Your environment must meet these specific prerequisites before you can successfully upload your packaged application to Veracode and run Pipeline Scans:

  • An active Veracode Static Analysis license.

  • One of the following Veracode accounts:

    • A human user account with the Security Lead, Creator, or Submitter user role.

    • An API service account with the Upload and Scan API or Upload API - Submit Only API role.


      One Veracode user can start a maximum of six pipeline scans per minute. Users who exceed this limit see HTTP error 429.

  • You have generated API credentials. You can provide your credentials to the Pipeline Scan with the command parameters or with an API credentials file.

  • Enable port 443 in the environments you run Pipeline Scans. The Pipeline Scan uses the Pipeline Scan REST APIs, which use the standard HTTPS port 443.

  • You have installed Java 8 or later.

  • You have access to a development or test pipeline to which you can add the Pipeline Scan. If you do not have access to a pipeline, you can try running the Pipeline Scan from the command line.


    Each pipeline scan is limited to a maximum scan time of 60 minutes.

  • The application you want to scan:

    • Builds successfully.

    • Does not exceed the total file size limit of 200 MB.

    • Meets the packaging requirements for the supported languages


      You cannot use the Pipeline Scan if the source-code language for your application is not supported.

  • If you are using authenticated HTTPS proxy connections, ensure you have configured the proxy settings using this format:

    java -Dhttps.proxyHost={myproxy} -Dhttps.proxyPort={myport} -Dhttps.proxyUser={myuser} -Dhttps.proxyPassword={mypass}